Biostat III exercises in R

Laboratory exercise 28

Flexible parametric models (fpm) implemented in Stata (stpm2) and R (rstpm2).

One difference: Restricted cubic splines using truncated power basis (stpm2, Stata) using B-spline basis (rstpm2, R).

Suggested solutions by

Authors: Xing-Rong Liu and Mark Clements, 2016-03-06

You may have to install the required packages the first time you use them. You can install a package by install.packages("package_of_interest") for each package you require.

require(rstpm2)  # for the flexible parametric model
require(foreign) # needed to read data set from Stata
require(dplyr)   # for data manipulation

We start by reading the data and then define a 1/0 varible for the events that we are interested in.

melanoma <- read.dta("")

## Extract subset and create 0/1 outcome variables
melanoma0 <- melanoma %>% filter(stage=="Localised") %>%
             mutate(event = ifelse(status=="Dead: cancer" & surv_mm<120, 1, 0),
                    time = pmin(120, surv_mm)/12,
                    agegrp1 = ifelse(agegrp=="0-44", 1, 0),  # used by time-dependent effect
                    agegrp2 = ifelse(agegrp=="45-59", 1, 0), # used by time-dependent effect
                    agegrp3 = ifelse(agegrp=="60-74", 1, 0), # used by time-dependent effect
                    agegrp4 = ifelse(agegrp=="75+", 1, 0))   # used by time-dependent effect

(a) Flexible parametric model with df=4.

## (a) Flexible parametric model with df=4
fpma <- stpm2(Surv(time,event) ~ year8594, data=melanoma0, df=4)
beta <- as.numeric(coef(fpma)[2])
se <- as.numeric(sqrt(fpma@vcov[2,2]))      # standard error of beta
confin <- c(beta - 1.96*se, beta + 1.96*se) # 95% confidence interval of log(HR)
p_value <- 1-pchisq((beta/se)^2, 1)         # Wald-type test of beta

## Summaries of Beta and HR
cbind(beta = beta, se = se, z = beta/se, p_value = p_value)
##            beta         se         z      p_value
## [1,] -0.2433363 0.06584011 -3.695867 0.0002191374
cbind(HR = exp(beta), lower.95 = exp(confin)[1], upper.95 =  exp(confin)[2])
##             HR  lower.95  upper.95
## [1,] 0.7840078 0.6890903 0.8919995

Making a cox model for comparison.

cox <- coxph(Surv(time, event) ~ year8594,
             data=melanoma0) # year8594 is a categorical variable
## Call:
## coxph(formula = Surv(time, event) ~ year8594, data = melanoma0)
##   n= 5318, number of events= 960 
##                             coef exp(coef) se(coef)      z Pr(>|z|)    
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94 -0.25297   0.77649  0.06579 -3.845 0.000121 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##                         exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94    0.7765      1.288    0.6825    0.8834
## Concordance= 0.533  (se = 0.008 )
## Rsquare= 0.003   (max possible= 0.949 )
## Likelihood ratio test= 14.83  on 1 df,   p=0.0001177
## Wald test            = 14.78  on 1 df,   p=0.0001206
## Score (logrank) test = 14.86  on 1 df,   p=0.000116

The hazard ratio, 95% confidence interval and statistical significance are very similar to the Cox model.

(b) Prediction and plots of survival and hazard by calendar period.

## (b) Prediction and plots of survival and hazard by calendar period
years <- levels(melanoma0$year8594)
alegend <- function() legend("topright", legend=years, col=1:2, lty=1)

     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)")
plot(fpma,newdata=data.frame(year8594=years[2]), add=TRUE, ci=TRUE,

Localised skin melanoma. Predicted survival functions from a exible parametric model.

plot(fpma,newdata=data.frame(year8594=years[1]), type="haz",
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)", ylab="Hazard")
plot(fpma,newdata=data.frame(year8594=years[2]), type="haz", add=TRUE,

Localised skin melanoma. Predicted hazard functions from a exible parametric model.

(c) Plotting the hazards on the log scale. There is a constant difference as the predictions are from a proportional hazards model and a multiplicative effect becomes additive on the log scale.

## (c) hazards on log scale, adding log="y"
plot(fpma,newdata=data.frame(year8594=years[1]), type="haz",
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)", log="y", ci=FALSE,
     ylab="Hazard (log scale)")

plot(fpma,newdata=data.frame(year8594=years[2]), type="haz",
     add=TRUE, line.col=2)

Localised skin melanoma. Predicted hazard functions on log scale from a exible parametric model.

(d) Investigate DF for the baseline with criteria AIC and BIC.

## Maximum likelihood estimation
## Call:
## mle2(minuslogl = negll, start = coef, eval.only = TRUE, vecpar = TRUE, 
##     gr = function (beta, kappa = 1) 
##     {
##         if (interval) 
##             stop("Gradient not implemented for interval-censored data.")
##         localargs <- args
##         localargs$kappa <- kappa
##         localargs$return_type <- "gradient"
##         return(.Call("model_output", localargs, package = "rstpm2"))
##     }, control = list(parscale = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), maxit = 300), 
##     lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)
## Coefficients:
##                         Estimate Std. Error  z value     Pr(z)    
## (Intercept)             -8.68011    0.58362 -14.8730 < 2.2e-16 ***
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94 -0.24334    0.06584  -3.6959 0.0002191 ***
## nsx(log(time), df = 4)1  6.58737    0.57687  11.4192 < 2.2e-16 ***
## nsx(log(time), df = 4)2  5.65891    0.38069  14.8648 < 2.2e-16 ***
## nsx(log(time), df = 4)3 11.41694    1.14339   9.9851 < 2.2e-16 ***
## nsx(log(time), df = 4)4  4.93069    0.24526  20.1043 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## -2 log L: 8440.488
aicc <- bicc <- beta <- se <- rep(NULL,6)
BIC <- function(object, nknots){
    -2 * as.numeric(bbmle::logLik(object)) + log(sum(melanoma0$event)) * (1 + nknots)

for (i in 1:6 ) {
  fitaic <- stpm2(Surv(time, event) ~ year8594, data=melanoma0, df=i)
  aicc[i] <- AIC(fitaic)
  bicc[i] <- BIC(fitaic, i)
  beta[i] <- as.numeric(coef(fitaic)[2])
  se[i] <- as.numeric(sqrt(fitaic@vcov[2,2]))
rbind(beta=beta, se=se, aicc=aicc, bicc=bicc)
##               [,1]          [,2]          [,3]          [,4]          [,5]
## beta   -0.11575120   -0.23959859   -0.24389286   -0.24333629   -0.24554505
## se      0.06575706    0.06584092    0.06581083    0.06584011    0.06580441
## aicc 8676.81191687 8452.82834577 8452.43320118 8452.48836681 8447.41676243
## bicc 8684.54578344 8465.42914562 8469.90093431 8474.82303323 8474.61836214
##               [,6]
## beta   -0.24600362
## se      0.06580314
## aicc 8447.71022014
## bicc 8479.77875313

The log hazard ratios (and hence the hazard ratios) from 2 df and up are similar and for 3 df they are very similar. The main difference is for 1 df, which is equivalent to a Weibull model. The Weibull model enforces a monotonic hazard function and as the hazard function in the melanoma data has a turning point it is clearly inappropriate.

The lowest AIC is for the model with 5 df and for the BIC it is the model with 2 df. The penalty term in the AIC is twice the number of parameters (2 x k ) whereas in the BIC it is ln( D ) > k where D is the number of events. Since ln( D ) > k the BIC penalizes extra parameters much more strongly than AIC. Since we have a large data set and there are no disadvantages to including extra parameters we would use 5df for the baseline hazard.

(e) Plots of predicted baseline survivals and hazards with df=1:6.

## Baseline survival
fitaic0 <- stpm2(Surv(time, event) ~ year8594, data=melanoma0, df=6)
plot(fitaic0,newdata=data.frame(year8594=years[1]), lty=6, ci=F,
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)")

dfs <- c("s_df1","s_df2","s_df3","s_df4","s_df5","s_df6")
for (i in 1:5 ) {
  fitaic <- stpm2(Surv(time, event) ~ year8594, data=melanoma0, df=i)
  plot(fitaic,newdata=data.frame(year8594=years[1]), add=TRUE,lty=i,
       xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)")
legend("topright", legend=dfs[1:6], lty=1:6)

## Baseline hazard
fitaic1 <- stpm2(Surv(time, event) ~ year8594, data=melanoma0, df=6)
plot(fitaic1,newdata=data.frame(year8594=years[1]), lty=6, type="haz",
     ci=F, xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)", ylab="Hazard")

for (i in 1:5 ) {
  fitaic <- stpm2(Surv(time, event) ~ year8594, data=melanoma0, df=i)
  plot(fitaic,newdata=data.frame(year8594=years[1]), add=TRUE, lty=i,
       type="haz", xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)", ylab="Hazard")
dfs2 <- c("h_df1","h_df2","h_df3","h_df4","h_df5","h_df6")
legend("topright", legend=dfs2[1:6], lty=1:6)

With the exception of 1 df (the Weibull model), the survival and hazard functions show similar shapes, so as long we have enough knots our conclusions would be very similar.

(f) Adjust for sex and age (in categories).

fpmf <- stpm2(Surv(time, event) ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp,
              data=melanoma0, df=4)

beta <- coef(fpmf)[2:6] ## log(HR)
se <- sqrt(diag(fpmf@vcov[2:6,2:6]))            # standard errors of beta
z <- beta/se                                    # z-scores
confin <- cbind(beta - 1.96*se, beta + 1.96*se) # 95% confidence interval of beta=log(HR)
p_value <- 1-pchisq((beta/se)^2, 1)             # Wald-type test of beta

## Summaries of Beta and HR
cbind(beta = beta, se = se, z = beta/se, p_value = p_value) # summaries of beta
##                               beta         se         z      p_value
## sexFemale               -0.5315676 0.06545328 -8.121329 4.440892e-16
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94 -0.3240732 0.06623450 -4.892816 9.940347e-07
## agegrp45-59              0.2835336 0.09417351  3.010758 2.605967e-03
## agegrp60-74              0.6216986 0.09087777  6.841041 7.861933e-12
## agegrp75+                1.2238357 0.10445135 11.716802 0.000000e+00
cbind(HR = exp(beta), lower.95 = exp(confin)[,1], upper.95 =  exp(confin)[,2])
##                                HR  lower.95  upper.95
## sexFemale               0.5876830 0.5169257 0.6681255
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94 0.7231973 0.6351508 0.8234491
## agegrp45-59             1.3278135 1.1040150 1.5969790
## agegrp60-74             1.8620883 1.5582730 2.2251382
## agegrp75+               3.4002050 2.7707307 4.1726877
## To test the joint significance of categorized age with Wald-type test
## Joint H0:
##          beta_(agegrp45-59) = 0
##          beta_(agegrp60-74) = 0
##          beta_(agegrp75+) = 0
statistic <- t(coef(fpmf)[4:6]) %*% solve(vcov(fpmf)[4:6,4:6]) %*% coef(fpmf)[4:6]
p_value <- 1 - pchisq(statistic, 3)
cbind(chi2_statistics =statistic, P_value = p_value)
##          [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 155.7851    0
## To test the overall effect of age with LR test
fpmf2 <- stpm2(Surv(time,event) ~ sex + year8594 , data=melanoma0, df=4)
anova(fpmf, fpmf2)
## Likelihood Ratio Tests
## Model 1: fpmf, [negll]: (Intercept)+sexFemale+year8594Diagnosed 85-94+
##           agegrp45-59+agegrp60-74+agegrp75++nsx(log(time), df = 4)1+
##           nsx(log(time), df = 4)2+nsx(log(time), df = 4)3+nsx(log(time),
##           df = 4)4
## Model 2: fpmf2, [negll]: (Intercept)+sexFemale+year8594Diagnosed 85-94+
##           nsx(log(time), df = 4)1+nsx(log(time), df = 4)2+nsx(log(time),
##           df = 4)3+nsx(log(time), df = 4)4
##   Tot Df Deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)    
## 1     10   8241.3                         
## 2      7   8385.9 144.56  3  < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The estimates are similar to those obtained from the Cox model. The Wald test yields a very highly significant result, which is similar to that obtained from the comparable test for the Cox model.

(g) The estimates are so similar because very similar models are being fitted with exactly the same covariates. The two models differ only in the manner in which they account for the baseline hazard. In the Cox model it is assumed arbitrary and not directly estimated. In the flexible parametric model the baseline hazard is modelled using splines. The 5 df spline allows sufficient flexibility to make the model estimates virtually identical.

(h) Change to time-varying effect of agegrp2:4.

## (h) Change to time-varying effect of agegrp2:4
## NB: including main effect of agerp
fpmh <- stpm2(Surv(time,event) ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp2 + agegrp3 + agegrp4,
              data=melanoma0, tvc=list(agegrp2 = 2, agegrp3 = 2, agegrp4 = 2),
              smooth.formula=~ nsx(log(time),df=4)  )
## NB: no main effect of agegrp
fpmh1 <- stpm2(Surv(time,event) ~ sex + year8594 ,
               data=melanoma0, tvc=list(agegrp2 = 2, agegrp3 = 2, agegrp4 = 2),
               smooth.formula=~ nsx(log(time),df=4)  )

beta <- coef(fpmh)[2:6] ## log(HR)
se <- sqrt(diag(fpmh@vcov[2:6,2:6])) ## standard errors of beta
z <- beta/se ## z-scores
confin <- cbind(beta - 1.96*se, beta + 1.96*se) ## 95% confidence interval of beta=log(HR)
p_value <- 1-pchisq((beta/se)^2, 1) ## Wald-type test of beta

## Summaries of Beta and HR
cbind(beta = beta, se = se, z = beta/se, p_value = p_value) ## summaries of beta
##                               beta         se         z      p_value
## sexFemale               -0.5257152 0.06542329 -8.035597 8.881784e-16
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94 -0.3282799 0.06631778 -4.950105 7.417363e-07
## agegrp2                  1.8952278 1.45209452  1.305168 1.918355e-01
## agegrp3                  1.6720363 1.40055220  1.193841 2.325403e-01
## agegrp4                  5.2026583 1.35763778  3.832140 1.270333e-04
cbind(HR = exp(beta), lower.95 = exp(confin)[,1], upper.95 =  exp(confin)[,2])
##                                  HR   lower.95     upper.95
## sexFemale                 0.5911324  0.5199905    0.6720077
## year8594Diagnosed 85-94   0.7201614  0.6323813    0.8201262
## agegrp2                   6.6540640  0.3864018  114.5868508
## agegrp3                   5.3229959  0.3419653   82.8571960
## agegrp4                 181.7547617 12.7010957 2600.9404444
## LR test comparing fpmh (non-PH for agegrp2:4) with fpmf(PH for agegrp2:4)
anova(fpmh, fpmf)
## Likelihood Ratio Tests
## Model 1: fpmh, [negll]: (Intercept)+sexFemale+year8594Diagnosed 85-94+
##           agegrp2+agegrp3+agegrp4+nsx(log(time), df = 4)1+
##           nsx(log(time), df = 4)2+nsx(log(time), df = 4)3+nsx(log(time),
##           df = 4)4+agegrp2:nsx(log(time), df = 2)1+
##           agegrp2:nsx(log(time), df = 2)2+agegrp3:nsx(log(time), df =
##           2)1+agegrp3:nsx(log(time), df = 2)2+agegrp4:nsx(log(time), df
##           = 2)1+agegrp4:nsx(log(time), df = 2)2
## Model 2: fpmf, [negll]: (Intercept)+sexFemale+year8594Diagnosed 85-94+
##           agegrp45-59+agegrp60-74+agegrp75++nsx(log(time), df = 4)1+
##           nsx(log(time), df = 4)2+nsx(log(time), df = 4)3+nsx(log(time),
##           df = 4)4
##   Tot Df Deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)    
## 1     16   8212.1                         
## 2     10   8241.3 29.271  6  5.406e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
anova(fpmh1, fpmf)
## Likelihood Ratio Tests
## Model 1: fpmh1, [negll]: (Intercept)+sexFemale+year8594Diagnosed 85-94+
##           nsx(log(time), df = 4)1+nsx(log(time), df = 4)2+nsx(log(time),
##           df = 4)3+nsx(log(time), df = 4)4+agegrp2:nsx(log(time), df =
##           2)1+agegrp2:nsx(log(time), df = 2)2+nsx(log(time), df =
##           2)1:agegrp3+nsx(log(time), df = 2)2:agegrp3+nsx(log(time), df
##           = 2)1:agegrp4+nsx(log(time), df = 2)2:agegrp4
## Model 2: fpmf, [negll]: (Intercept)+sexFemale+year8594Diagnosed 85-94+
##           agegrp45-59+agegrp60-74+agegrp75++nsx(log(time), df = 4)1+
##           nsx(log(time), df = 4)2+nsx(log(time), df = 4)3+nsx(log(time),
##           df = 4)4
##   Tot Df Deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
## 1     13   8237.3                     
## 2     10   8241.3 4.0156  3     0.2598
## I investigated the non-proportional effect of age with penalized models
## here, sp is the optimal smoothing parameters estimated from models without sp argument
pfit0 <- pstpm2(Surv(time,event) ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp2 + agegrp3 + agegrp4,
                smooth.formula=~s(log(time)), data=melanoma0, sp=0.1359685)

## The time-dependent effects including linear forms of age groups
pfit1 <- pstpm2(Surv(time,event) ~ sex + year8594,
                smooth.formula=~s(log(time)) + s(log(time),by=agegrp2) +
                                s(log(time),by=agegrp3) + s(log(time),by=agegrp4),
                data=melanoma0, sp=c( 0.1429949, 1.6133966, 1.3183117, 1.9958815))
anova(pfit1, pfit0)## the results also suggest there is strong evidence
## Likelihood Ratio Tests
## Model 1: pfit1, [negll]: (Intercept)+sexFemale+year8594Diagnosed 85-94+
##           s(log(time)).1+s(log(time)).2+s(log(time)).3+s(log(time)).4+
##           s(log(time)).5+s(log(time)).6+s(log(time)).7+s(log(time)).8+
##           s(log(time)).9+s(log(time)):agegrp2.1+s(log(time)):agegrp2.2+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp2.3+s(log(time)):agegrp2.4+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp2.5+s(log(time)):agegrp2.6+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp2.7+s(log(time)):agegrp2.8+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp2.9+s(log(time)):agegrp2.10+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp3.1+s(log(time)):agegrp3.2+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp3.3+s(log(time)):agegrp3.4+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp3.5+s(log(time)):agegrp3.6+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp3.7+s(log(time)):agegrp3.8+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp3.9+s(log(time)):agegrp3.10+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp4.1+s(log(time)):agegrp4.2+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp4.3+s(log(time)):agegrp4.4+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp4.5+s(log(time)):agegrp4.6+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp4.7+s(log(time)):agegrp4.8+
##           s(log(time)):agegrp4.9+s(log(time)):agegrp4.10
## Model 2: pfit0, [negll]: (Intercept)+sexFemale+year8594Diagnosed 85-94+
##           agegrp2+agegrp3+agegrp4+s(log(time)).1+s(log(time)).2+
##           s(log(time)).3+s(log(time)).4+s(log(time)).5+s(log(time)).6+
##           s(log(time)).7+s(log(time)).8+s(log(time)).9
##   Tot Df Deviance  Chisq     Df Pr(>Chisq)    
## 1 16.394   8219.1                             
## 2 11.701   8240.9 21.718 4.6929  0.0004482 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

There is strong evidence of a non-proportional effect of age.

(i) Plot of baseline hazard with fpmh. This baseline is for the youngest age group who are male and diagnosed in 1975-1984, i.e, when all the covariates are equal to zero.

## (i) Plot of baseline hazard with fpmh
sexs <- levels(melanoma$sex)
years <- levels(melanoma$year8594)
agegrps <- levels(melanoma$agegrp)
newdata1 <- data.frame(sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0)
plot(fpmh,newdata=newdata1, xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)", ylab="Hazard",
     type="haz", ci=FALSE, ylim=c(0,0.051), rug=FALSE)
legend("topright", legend=c(sexs[1], years[1], agegrps[1]), lty=1, bty="n")

(j) Hazard ratios between age groups.

plot(fpmh, newdata=data.frame(sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0),
     type="hr", rug=FALSE, line.col=1, ci=FALSE,log="y", ylim=c(1,500), lty=1,
     exposed=function(data) transform(data,sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=1, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0),
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)",ylab="Hazards ratio")
plot(fpmh, newdata=data.frame(sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0),
     type="hr", rug=FALSE, line.col=1, ci=FALSE, add=T,log="y", lty=2,
     exposed=function(data) transform(data,sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=1, agegrp4=0),
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)",ylab="Hazards ratio")
plot(fpmh, newdata=data.frame(sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0),
     type="hr", rug=FALSE, line.col=1, ci=FALSE,add=T,log="y", lty=3,
     exposed=function(data) transform(data,sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=1),
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)",ylab="Hazards ratio")
legend("topright", legend=agegrps[2:4], lty=1:3)

The hazard ratios decrease as a function of follow-up time. The hazard ratio is so high during the early years of follow-up because the hazard in the reference group is close to zero.

plot(fpmh, newdata=data.frame(sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0),
     type="hr", rug=FALSE, line.col=1, ci=T, log="y",
     exposed=function(data) transform(data,sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=1),
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)",ylab="Hazards ratio")

The hazard ratio for the oldest age group with a 95% confidence interval.

(k) The hazard difference for the oldest group.

plot(fpmh,newdata=data.frame(sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0),
     type="hdiff", rug=FALSE, line.col=1, ci=T,
     exposed=function(data) transform(data,sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=1),
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)",ylab="Hazards difference")

Localised skin melanoma. Predicted difference in hazard rates (with a 95% confidence interval) for oldest age group from a fexible parametric model (other covariates are set to zero).

The hazard difference is small early on, despite the hazard ratio being large, because the underlying hazard is so low.

(l) The survival difference for the oldest group.

plot(fpmh,newdata=data.frame(sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0),
     type="sdiff", rug=FALSE, line.col=1, ci=T,
     exposed=function(data) transform(data, sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=1),
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)",ylab="Survivals difference")

Localised skin melanoma. Predicted difference in survival functions (with a 95% confidence interval) for oldest age group from a flexible parametric model (for females diagnosed in 1984-1994).

(m) Fit models with 1, 2 and 3 df for time-dependent effect of age.

aicc <- bicc <- beta <- se <- rep(1,3)
nevent <- sum(melanoma0$event)
BIC <- function(object, nknots){
  -2 * as.numeric(bbmle::logLik(object)) + log(nevent) * (1 + nknots)
for (i in 1:3 ) {
  fitdf <- stpm2(Surv(time,event) ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp2 + agegrp3 + agegrp4,
                  data=melanoma0, tvc=list(agegrp2 = i, agegrp3 = i, agegrp4 = i),
                  smooth.formula=~ nsx(log(time),df=4)  )
  aicc[i] <- AIC(fitaic)
  bicc[i] <- BIC(fitaic, i)
cbind(aicc=aicc, bicc=bicc)
##          aicc     bicc
## [1,] 8447.417 8447.151
## [2,] 8447.417 8454.018
## [3,] 8447.417 8460.884
## PLots with different df
fitdf1 <- stpm2(Surv(time,event) ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp2 + agegrp3 + agegrp4, data=melanoma0,
                tvc = list(agegrp2 = 1, agegrp3 = 1, agegrp4 = 1), smooth.formula=~ nsx(log(time),df=4))

plot(fitdf1, newdata = data.frame(sex=sexs[1], year8594=years[1], agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0),
     type="hr", rug=FALSE, line.col=1, ci=F, log="y", lty=1,
     exposed=function(data) transform(data, sex = sexs[1],year8594=years[1],
                                        agegrp2=0, agegrp3 = 0, agegrp4=1),
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)", ylab="Hazards ratio")

for (i in 2:3 ) {
    fitdf <- stpm2(Surv(time,event) ~ sex + year8594 + agegrp2 + agegrp3 + agegrp4,
                   data=melanoma0, tvc=list(agegrp2 = i, agegrp3 = i, agegrp4 = i),
                   smooth.formula=~ nsx(log(time),df=4))

    plot(fitdf, newdata=data.frame(sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=0),
         type="hr", rug=FALSE, line.col=1, ci=F, log="y", add=T, lty=i,
         exposed=function(data) transform(data, sex=sexs[1],year8594=years[1],agegrp2=0, agegrp3=0, agegrp4=1),
         xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)",ylab="Hazards ratio")
legend("topright", legend=c("1 df", "2 df", "3 df"), lty=1:3)

AIC selects 2 df and BIC selects 1 df. As discussed in the previous part, the BIC imposes a stronger penalty on aditional parameters. The fitted time-dependent effects are similar. We would suggest 2 df for the time-varying effect of age.